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Victorian Bands' League State Solo Championships
Use the form below to submit your details for the VBL State Solo Championships. Once you have filled out the form, use the buttons below to submit your sheet music. Following that, you can use the button at the very bottom of the page to book a rehearsal.
Music must be submitted by 11:59 PM, October 19th.
Step 1: Fill in form (Please fill in once per competitor)
Step 2: Upload music (one complete PDF per section)
Step 3: Book rehearsal (Optional)
Please ensure your music is a high-quality scan, with no missing measures or lines. Any cuts must be clearly marked on the score, along with any other amendments made to the written score.
Step 1
Submit Sheet music using the buttons below.
Please only upload one file into each Dropbox folder.
IMPORTANT: When the DropBox submission requests your name, please enter the name of the competitor as entered with the Eisteddfod, not a Parent or Guardian's name. Please also ensure the PDF you upload is titled the name of the piece.
Please do not upload JPEGS or multiple seperate pages. Please upload one complete PDF document into each section. Please scan your music in Black and White if using a phone.
Step 2
Step 3
Once you have submitted your sheet music, use the button below to book a rehearsal with Isaac!
Please note:
A 15 minute rehearsal is sufficient for one to two short pieces.
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